Striving Styles Personality System
Striving Styles Personality System
The Striving Styles brings Jung's eight psychological types to life, connecting each Style to the psychological need that must be met. With this neuro-psychological framework, you quickly get to the heart of what is driving client behavior so you can expedite their development.
The SSPS is based on the assertion that each of us is born with a predominant need and pattern of energy (Striving Style) that determines how we will behave in order to get that need met. The theories and authors incorporated into the creation of the Striving Styles Personality System all shed light on the mechanics of the mind and what we can do to help us achieve our potential as human beings. If we understand the brain, particularly our own brain, we can direct and influence how it functions and how we feel.
It is a powerful tool for any practitioner involved in behavioral change, personal growth or professional development.
More Than Just an Assessment
The SSPS is a complete system which includes both assessment and development. It incorporates Psychological Type, Emotional Intelligence, Needs Theory and Brain Development theories. It shows how the brain is organized, how needs and emotions influence behavior, and how to strengthen the authentic self through literally remapping the brain and satisfying the predominant need.
The SSPS also includes a comprehensive Roadmap for Development that can be customized for the brain’s organization for each of the Styles. It allows you to generate a roadmap for your clients' growth based on understanding the more dynamic aspects of their brain, emotions, behavior, and personality. It also shows how a client's unmet needs cause shifts in behavior that get in the way of achieving their goals and, most importantly, what they can do about it.
Why Choose the SSPS for Your Practice or Organization?
The Striving Styles Personality System provides individuals and practitioners alike with a way to easily understand and leverage brain functioning. It provides people with the specific tools to re-cast their motivations and re-pattern their brains, and to consciously influence how they behave in order to live happy, successful and fulfilled lives.
What's Really Driving Your Clients? Find Out
The SSPS shows you how your clients' brains are organized. You learn what drives them, what energizes them, and how they behave when they suffer from dysfunction. It provides insight into their relationship style and what causes them to back away from taking action. And because of this insight, you'll be better equipped to address their needs and help them achieve their goals. It's really that simple.
Armed with the SSPS' array of tools, you can provide products and services you never could before. Grow your practice, set your organization apart, and increase your value. Explore all the benefits of being an SSPS practitioner today.

The SSPS connects brain science, emotions and needs to Jung and Myers-Briggs Theory. Read our White Paper or get a new perspective on each of the 16 MBTI Types

The Striving Styles Personality System is more than an assessment. Find out how it's different! LEARN MORE... »

Give clients insght into their brain organization and needs with the Striving Styles Squad. LEARN MORE... »

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