The SSPS Difference
The SSPS Difference
We know you and your clients want results — fast. That's why the SSPS is much more than a personality assessment. It's an in-depth system for brain development. And we're confident it will make an immediate difference in your practice or organization.
You can measure the tools you use in your practice in a variety of ways. Do these tools change behavior, or do they just describe behavior? Do they provide immediate results? Are these results sustainable? Is the system easy or is it overly complicated? Do they incorporate the latest advances in neuroscience? Do they consider human needs and emotions?
The Striving Styles Personality System "measures up" in every way you assess your tools and approaches. Where MBTI®, DiSC™, Insights®, True Colors™, Keirsey® and other Jungian-based assessments may fall short in your programs, SSPS thrives. SSPS is nothing like the assessment tools you've been frustrated with in the past, and here's why.
How the Striving Styles Personality System is Different
The SSPS is not just an assessment.
- It’s a complete system for assessing personality and for brain development. It goes beyond other personality tests such as the MBTI, by providing insight into why people behave the way they do based on how their brain is organized. It shows to shift long-standing non productive behavioral patterns in a step-by-step way based on the latest research on how the brain learns, develops and matures.
The SSPS is multi-disciplinary.
- Evolving from Carl Gustav Jung's theory of Psychological Type and Myers and Briggs personality test (the MBTI), the SSPS revolutionizes personal development by incorporating both classic and cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology. It also includes models of emotional and social intelligence, eliminating the need for multiple approaches in your developmental programs.
The SSPS is four assessments in one.
- You would have to complete multiple conventional assessments to get the same insight into the brain, into personality, into emotional and social intelligence, and into the true drivers of behavior.
The SSPS focuses on emotional needs.
- It looks at why people behave the way they do, rather than just how they behave. It's no surprise, then, that with SSPS you're able to reach a deeper level to foster genuine, lasting personal development in your organization or with your clientele.
The SSPS uses easy-to-relate-to archetypes.
- Rather than four letter codes or colors, the SSPS uses specific characters that provide immediate meaning and makes it simple for people to understand the functions of the brain. SSPS is the fusion of profound insight and straightforward concepts and strategies.
The SSPS makes converting your practice easy.
- Our MBTI Conversion Tool means you won't have to retest your clients. And you can use the knowledge you already possess about personality type and Jung’s functions to greatly reduce the learning curve.
Not convinced? Try our free, no-obligation introductory webinar. We're certain you can leverage the Striving Styles Personality System to expedite client development, and we're ready to prove it.

Break away from the pack! Differenciante yourself as a development practitioner. LEARN MORE...>

Help your clients harness the power of their emotions. Teach them how to use emotions to move themselves and others in the direction they want to go. LEARN MORE... »

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