SSPS Developmental Framework
SSPS Developmental Framework
So many users of Jungian-based assessments get stuck with what to do after personality has been identified and behavior described. That's because these assessments are just that: an assessment with no explicit development, no "next step." Combining a four-in-one assessment tool with a framework for development, the SSPS has that next step.
The Striving Styles Personality System provides your clients with a map of how their brain functions and what needs they must meet in order to feel psychologically secure and confident. Proceeding stepwise and at a pace that works for you and your client, you'll determine the specific building blocks they need to work with to achieve exceptional growth, personally and/or professionally.
Brain-Based Model for Development
Don't think that the SSPS Developmental Framework is a mere tip sheet or checklist; the framework focuses on strategies centered on brain development and emotional maturation.
Equipped with the Developmental Framework, you'll have the power to set a concrete agenda for your client, identifying the activities and experiences that will leverage their whole brain's capacity and ensure lasting change. You can't get this level of specificity with any other personality system in the marketplace.
Building on the work of pioneers in emotional and social intelligence such as Daniel Goleman and Daniel Siegel, the Developmental Framework has the five essential building blocks needed for clients to achieve their potential. Each of the building blocks helps clients to:
- Work through barriers to growth
- Recognize and mature emotions, and
- Change self-defeating, reactive habits of mind
Problem-focused and solution-oriented, the SSPS solves the numerous problems you've had in the past with the resistance, confusion or stagnation associated with other developmental approaches or assessment tools.
Find out the 5 Building Blocks that make Striving Styles such an effective system for human growth and development. Join our Qualifying Program today to start your journey and achieve immediate results for your organization.

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