Learning Styles
Learning Styles
Activate and energize your students' learning with the Striving Styles Personality System. Only the SSPS gives educators the tools they need to make use of students' preferred manner of learning in order to achieve better results in the classroom.
Take Advantage of the 8 Distinct Ways of Learning
Why make learning any more difficult than it has to be? When students are forced to conform to an approach to learning that is inconsistent with their way of taking in information, emotional acting out can occur, inhibiting learning. With the SSPS, students can discover how to learn in a way that best suits the organization of their brain.
On the other hand, educators will discover the different ways that each of the Striving Styles learns, interacts with and processes information. Using this insight, teachers are then shown step by step how to modify and align their teaching style so that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed. This eliminates a host of frustrations in the classroom, from poor retention to bad behavior.
Help Students Decide What to Study with the SSPS
Career counselors, recruiters, and others involved in the crucial college years will also derive immense benefit from the SSPS. When you show students how to align their predominant needs with their course of study or career, anything is possible. Beyond getting a job, beyond learning trade skills, this is about emotional well-being, about being happy with what you do. And that's why Striving Styles is so powerful.
Try our free introductory webinar today to get a taste of what's possible. Or you can start right away by becoming a Qualified Practitioner. From there, take advantage of our numerous resources engineered just for teaching and learning. The immediate results you'll enjoy will surprise you.

When it comes to learning, we don't all take in information in the same way. Find out how the SSPS can help you understand the Learning Styles of your students. LEARN MORE...>

Are your students failing to make the grade? Find out how to facilitate their learning with the SSPS. LEARN MORE...>