Career Management
Career Management
Before we can know what we are meant to do, we must first understand who we are meant to be. The Striving Styles Personality System gives practitioners in career counseling the insight to greatly assist clients or employees to make career choices that meet their predominant needs. Use the SSPS' career specific tools to empower individuals to discover what they are meant to do based on their own brain organization.
As a practitioner involved in career development, you know that an individual’s career is too important to be left to chance. And unfortunately, clients and employees are often confused about where to go next in their careers or why they are so dissatisfied in the current one. As well, they are surprised at finding themselves stalled in their career.
Why? They're not quite sure who they are. People often make career choices based on what their parents want, or what society tells them is the “right” choice. Or they can be left with no guidance and simply take what comes their way, finding themselves stuck and dissatisfied.
Now, with the Striving Styles, you can show them who they are meant to be. By gaining immediate knowledge about a client's predominant need, you'll be able to guide them, step by step, on the path to a satisfying career and better workplace performance.
Unlock the Secrets to Career Satisfaction
Career dissatisfaction is a result of frustrated needs. Once people get past the initial satisfaction of a paycheck, need satisfaction is what keeps them motivated to achieve, develop and thrive in the workplace. Only the Striving Styles Personality System examines the true drivers of motivation and behavior — needs and emotions — and plots a development pathway for clients and employees accordingly.
The MBTI® and similar assessment tools stop at identifying and describing personality and behavior. You can go much deeper with the SSPS, aligning needs with career choices and helping to overcome barriers to growth and performance.
The SSPS is an essential tool for career management; a better way to help clients make crucial career decisions. It's simple to use, simple to understand, and simple to implement. Enhance your value and expand your toolkit by becoming an SSPS Practitioner.

Get your clients excited about their careers and on the path to achieving their potential. LEARN MORE...>

Your clients don't need to suffer in jobs that don't meet their needs. LEARN MORE...>

If your clients have given up hope, introduce them to the SSPS today.